Oakdale School Home

Principal's Message

On behalf of our students and staff, I welcome you to Oakdale School's new website. We hope that this new site will improve communication with parents and community stakeholders so that we may better meet the needs of all students. I encourage you to explore all areas of our website, and hope that you will find information that is beneficial to you. Some areas remain under construction, so please check back frequently for updates. 
At Oakdale School, we deliberately practice excellence, empowering students to obtain goals and utilizing resources that will enable them to become lifelong learners. The collaboration of parents, faculty, staff, and community stakeholders provides a caring, academically challenging, and technologically advanced environment, balanced by discipline and fairness for the cultivation of diverse talents, skills, and interests for life. It is our vision to achieve excellence through the provision of a rigorous and challenging academic program that nurtures and expands the skills, talents, and interests of our students.
We value your input and invite you to work with us as we seek to build a stronger parent-teacher-student association. Please feel free to reach out to Oakdale School with questions or concerns at any time.
Thank you,
Misty Marsh